
Showing posts from September, 2013

How to check Console of iphone ?

You develop an application and client saying that application is crashing at some point , then you need crash log for this. You can get crash log after installing iPhone Configuration Utility ( iPhone Configuration Utility for Mac OS Download ( iPhone Configuration Utility for Windows  Download ( After Installing open iPhone Configuration Utility, Connect Your device and get consol. see screenshot or watch video

Get Twitter userProfile information.

Twitter profile generating application Using Twitter framework we can get profile detail of any userID. Just Pass UserId and get detail . Note -> First put your login detail in setting page. Provide UserName whom you want to get. like Rajneesh071 You will get detail of user You can download this tutorial from here

C Operator Precedence Table.


How to use Custom font in iPhone SDK/Objective c.

Is Your designer gives you a artistic font which is not available on iPhone? Well in iOS sdk you can use any font you wish. Add   your custom font into your project , i.e. Dragged the font's ttf file ( CALIBRIZ_0.TTF ) into your resource folder from finder and check the "copy file to project folder" option. ) Edit Info.plist : Add a new entry with the key Fonts provided by application. For each of your files, add the file name to this array Now set font to your label MyLabel . font = [ UIFont fontWithName :@ "Calibri" size : 16 ]; Make sure you give real font name in above code.  The font file name and its “real font name” can be different. I opened the font in font book ( double click on your font in finder ) to see what the real filename is and I see this: NOTE:- Font name when i Add in my xCode project is  CALIBRIZ_0.TTF.   But it is not real name of font, so i opened it in FontBook and found that its real name is 

sqlite in objective c.

Create Database. Open terminal. Type command  $ sqlite3 rajneesh.sqlite SQLite version 3.6.11 Enter ".help" for instructions Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";" sqlite> create table books(id integer primary key,name text, cost integer); sqlite>.tables; sqlite>.exit; Search your database in your mac,and put it( rajneesh.sqlite ) in your project. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now you can open your database in any tool, i use FireFox SQliteManager. You can create, insert , update , delete tables in your database. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ USE it in our Project in .h #import <sqlite3.h> @interface .. { NSString * databasePath ; } in .m First you have to check that your database is present in documentDir or not, if available then we use that database else we copy rajneesh.sqlite from application bundle to do