iAd Vs. AdMob – Clicks, Fill Rate, Impressions, eCPM and Revenue

Mobile Advertising

  1. iAD (http://advertising.apple.com/)
  2. AdMob (https://developers.google.com/mobile-ads-sdk/)
  3. MobFox http://www.mobfox.com/
  4. MobClix http://www.mobclix.com/
  5. JumpTap (http://www.jumptap.com/)
  6. Millennial Media. (http://www.millennialmedia.com/)
  7. Sellaring (http://www.sellaring.com/)
Note-> The iAd Network has launched in Mexico. Ads are now being served to apps on the U.S., Canada, Mexico, U.K., France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Australia, New Zealand and Japan App Stores. configure your apps for ad serving only in these countries.

I updated one of my apps to use AdMob mobile ads when iAd fails to deliver (pretty damn often). Instead of swapping out iAd for AdMob, I use the iAd “didFailToReceiveAdWithError” delegate method to request an AdMob ad when iAd fails. This means that AdMob shouldn’t take any income away from iAd, but only supplement it. I thought I’d take a look at the stats and compare the performance of the two ad networks on my app.

SomeOne's Reply about this->

Tom on  said: 
Here are my stats so far for my free ad supported app as of 6 Sept. 2011 (1 month of usage for ads and I only use iAd and AdMob via Adwhirl ):
9,500 downloads so far.
Median session length – 6.1 minutes
Average Fill Rate for iAd 79%
Average Fill Rate for AdMob 72.6%
Average eCPM:
AdMob – .08
iAd – 1.19
As you can see, there is a HUGE difference in the eCPM!
Based on my results, I now only use AdMob as a fallback when I fail to receive an iAd because a few pennies is better than no pennies.
Translating clicks to cash:
AdMob –
Highest – .051 per click
Lowest – .023 per click
Highest – .617 per click
Lowest – .255 per click
In the last week my average income for iAds has been $12 a day and AdMob 50 cents a day.
I have been getting an average 100 new downloads a day.

Follow this link For batter 

Tony on  said:

I been using AdMob for 4 weeks now. This is what is shows in my admob account.
Number of users download the app: ~3000
Daily download rate now: ~130
so far after 4 weeks release following is my data. (total)
Revenue : $38.58
Requests: 2,693,994
eCPM: $0.01
Fill Rate: 99.24%
RPM: $0.01
am I doing something wrong? lot of people has a higher ecpm. why my ecpm is only $0.01 for Admob? I haven’t implemented iAd yet. Please help.

Kris on  said:


Don’t remove adMob because iAd is only available in few countries.
I make between $15-$45 daily from adMob and most of that come from overseas where iAd does not exist.
I set iAd as priority because most times it makes me 3-4 times the adMob income.

Bubba on  said:


Hi, to keep this post going, i’d like to share our stats:
We have a free USA-only app that allows people to browse stuff regarding shopping for quick reference.
From Flurry.com that we have installed within our app:
sessions per day – 7.5k-13k (varies depending on day)
Session Length % of Sessions
0-3 secs 7.4%
3-10 secs 9.1%
10-30 secs 10.7%
~~~~~~~~~~users above – you can’t really do anything in our app in less than 30 secs, so we assume they clicked on the app by mistake.
30-60 secs 11.3%
1-3 mins 28.9%
3-10 mins 25.6%
10-30 mins 6.5%
30+ mins 0.4%
Our admob stats (iPhone only) – you’ll notice that some columns are missing or rounded – but this will give you a good idea of where we are:
date ecpm requests (k) fill_rate ctr
12/5/2011 0.97 28.5 99.95% 1.16%
12/4/2011 0.70 50.2 99.98% 0.98%
12/3/2011 0.83 21.2 100.00% 1.28%
12/2/2011 0.73 19.7 100.00% 1.23%
12/1/2011 0.70 19.9 100.00% 1.23%
11/30/2011 0.61 20.8 99.99% 1.11%
11/29/2011 0.67 21.7 100.00% 1.16%
11/28/2011 0.63 29.5 99.98% 1.16%
11/27/2011 0.54 46.1 99.97% 1.08%
11/26/2011 0.72 26.2 99.99% 1.34%
From what I read in the comments – a lot depends on:
1) type of app (maybe its determined by your category? We are in lifestyle
2) how much your app is used – while testing the app, we’ve noticed that after a certain amount of time admob ads stop showing – if you have an addictive game which people use for 30 minutes a day +, maybe admob stops sending ads?
3) your Click through rate. Our users are older than average, so they do tend to click on ads (maybe by mistake?). I’d guess younger users are better at avoiding ads. After all, ECPM is just a function of CTR…

Follow this link for detail Info about this (http://www.hung-truong.com/blog/2011/02/07/iad-vs-admob-clicks-fill-rate-impressions-ecpm-and-revenue/)

AdMob & iAd advertisment system (http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/505416/AdMob-iAd-advertisment-system)
Integrate iAd -> Link (http://www.raywenderlich.com/1371/how-to-integrate-iad-into-your-iphone-app)

Integrate AdMob + iAd sample code - GitHub (https://github.com/pjcook/iAdPlusAdMob)


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